Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works In The Stars Body Lotion Shea Butter + Vitamin E Body Lotion


Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works In The Stars Body Lotion Shea Butter + Vitamin E Body Lotion


Size: 8.0 oz Body Lotion Lotion

This item ships same day if ordered by 2pm EST.

What it smells like: a sweet, sparkling wish upon a star in the middle of the forest clearing.

Product details

Focus & Features

Body, Moisturizing / Hydrating, Soften


Add a dollop (around a 10p coin size) to your hand (more if your skin is particularly dry or on rougher areas such as elbows and knees)
Rub your palms together to warm up the lotion.
Use your hands to massage the lotion into your body in small circular motion.


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